This study delved into the levels of digital adoption by FPOs and their member farmers across various dimensions of digital technology, such as ownership of computers, having a website, digital recordkeeping, registration on online portals, sale of output through digital platforms, digital member engagement, and digital transactions. It also explored the association between FPOs’ digital adoption and digital adoption by their member farmers.

Through analysis of data from 275 FPOs and 541 member farmers across five Indian states (Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Rajasthan), the research investigates two key aspects: Firstly, the characteristics of FPOs and farmers associated with different levels of digital adoption, and secondly, whether FPO digitalization leads to increased digital adoption among member farmers. It aimed to identify successful strategies and highlight areas where rethinking and designing of interventions are required. These insights can inform strategies that foster higher digital adoption within FPOs, creating a “trickle-down effect” where member farmers are empowered.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a more efficient, sustainable, and profitable FPO ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders with farmers at the center.